Five Secrets to Successful ERP system

  • 27 March 2014
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Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a major commitment. There are equal chances of that ERP system to be a massive success or failure. Incorporating an ERP system comes with a lot of restructuring within the organization. It might take the team to get used to the change and work effortlessly with the new software that’s introduced. There are some ways by which you can ensure that all the money spent on the ERP system doesn’t go waste and that it becomes a success. Here, in this post we give you five secrets that you embrace to have a successful ERP system. Keep them guarded. Maybe these just might help you get a step ahead of all your competitors.

  • Have a clear Goal and Strategy

If you opt for an ERP system just because it is a norm or all the companies are adopting it, then be assured that your ERP system will fail. An ERP system is supposed to help you achieve your goals in an efficient way. If the same goal is not clear in an organization’s mind, then the wrong ERP will be installed, leading to disastrous results. Have a clear goal and strategy for your organization, spend a lot of time in designing them and then opt for the system best suited for your organization.

  • Plan Carefully

Understand that a lot of time goes in planning carefully before deciding the ERP system. Companies that enjoy successful ERP systems are the ones that spent ample time planning their needs and requirements before implementing an ERP system. One can’t and won’t be able to think of everything beforehand, but this is where planning comes in handy. Careful planning can help you address a lot of issues and avoid the loopholes. Any SAP B1 partner in India will gladly help you with this critical process.

  • Join hands with the experts

Remember that you are not alone in the whole process of deciding upon and implementing an ERP system. Don’t be shy to seek expert help to help you decide which ERP you need to go ahead with. The experts will study your company, the goals that you set and then give will you a detailed report of what is best suited for your organization. They are called experts for a reason, reach out to them. Get in touch with your SAP B1 partner in India and get the best advice possible.

  • Do not mistake ERP to be just for IT industries

There is a common misconception that any software that comes in the market is mainly for the IT industry. Just because the product is a software doesn’t mean it is restricted to the IT field. Make sure you don’t have this notion. ERP can be a part of any industry, spread across a wide spectrum of industrial range. Having a good understanding that an ERP system can help any industry and knowing how it can help your company is very important. It is a product made for every company, don’t hesitate to make the best use of it.

  • Take a phased approach during implementation

An ERP system has a lot of modules. And not all these modules might be necessary for your organization. If you try install all the modules at once, then you might be in trouble. Instead install the modules in phases. Carefully study which modules are important for your company and then opt to install them first.  Check the system after each phase and proceed with implementing the next phase. Implementing all the modules at once can create issues that might tough for you to pinpoint and address them. Since having an ERP is a big step, ensure that this change is done gradually, so that the system and people, all start functioning like hand in glove with each other. Any reliable SAP B1 Partner in India will guide you more about phased implementations.

Share these secrets with others or keep them to yourself, the choice is entirely yours. But make sure that you abide by them. If you do, be assured of smooth organizational processes and greater heights.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.