Characteristics of Successful CRM Implementation

  • 27 July 2015
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Newton famously proved that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The same can be applied in a business scenario. If you keep the customers happy through your products, the customers will return the favor by giving you good business, reputation, sales and recommendation to fellow customers, all of which maximizes profits. It is crucial to have a tool that gauges customers’ reactions. This is why customer relation management, better known as CRM is of utmost importance. SAP B1 partners say that the following factors are responsible for successful CRM implementations.

  • Adhering to business objectives

There will be certain guidelines as to what you will deliver to your customers and what you want them to expect from your business. It is advisable to stick to those objectives instead of straying away from them. It wouldn’t harm you to sit with your team to design clear business objectives rather than improvising along the way. It would constantly change the benchmarks and goals with respect to customers. Keep the costs and objectives realistic and strictly focus on the benefits that you can reap from the project.

  • Involving the users     

One of the primary reasons of CRM implementation failure is the inability of end users to utilize the system well. If users cannot adapt to the system, then even the best SAP B1 implementation services for SME would do no good to any company. Involve them from the get go instead of springing a system that they cannot work with. Presence of sales team would smoothen out different processes such as defining requirements, the whys and hows of different aspects and designing the entire operating system. Once the team working with CRM is clear about tiny details, they can adopt the system well and respond faster to critical situations.

  • Deliberate where your customers will be present

There was a time when customers walked up to your business store, interacted with you in person and carried out business transactions. Fast forward a few years and you can find your customers in real as well as the virtual world. Consider all such mediums and then design your CRM system accordingly. If it’s not possible to access the system easily and use it effortlessly, you will lose out on your customers and at that time, even the best CRM system cannot come to your rescue.

  • Data driven decisions

Taking decisions based on your gut feeling or on a whim or ‘because it sounds right’ would be the death of any CRM system. The foundation of every decision should be data. It is the key factor that demarcates a successful and failed CRM implementation. They provide great insights and information that can be extremely vital for designing SAP B1 implementation services for SME. Moreover, it helps in identifying the problem areas, ironing them out and testing them thoroughly.

  • Constant commitment of senior management

Customers are pivotal for any business. To understand them, nothing beats experience which comes from the senior management.  They have to back the project and should be convinced that the designed goals are achievable by their teams. They help in rolling out faster decisions and keep an unbiased perspective at all accounts. Constant commitment from the senior management would keep projects on track and direct it towards success.

  • Training at every stage

If there is one statement that has been overused and yet has to be repeated every single time, it is that you can never have enough training. Develop appropriate training modules and keep the employees updated constantly. Provide the training material in different formats, beyond the training sessions too. This helps the users respond to any issue once the project goes live and eliminate chances of down-times or stalled processes.

For a system that starts with the word ‘customer’, it becomes quite evident that they have to be at the focus relentlessly. Every single thing in the CRM system should cater to them. SAP B1 partners also advice that every interaction point between your company and customer should be considered.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.