Cloud Computing Trends

  • 06 February 2017
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Cloud computing has been around for years. However, 2019 is going to be a key year for many organizations to start getting real about cloud computing in order to save costs.

The key trends to watch out include:

The movement of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) and larger organizations towards public cloud

For many years, enterprises have been resisting moving to public cloud citing security and data privacy concerns. Many have tried to setup private clouds of their own. Setting up private clouds is not without significant costs and investment. Therefore, many have not seen the relevant returns since they did not have the scale. 2017 is going to be the inflection point from where many of the enterprises will start moving towards public clouds to save costs while scaling up their operations.

Hyper-converged private clouds

There are still enterprises for whom data privacy and security is a concern to move to a public cloud. They might even go for a hybrid cloud infrastructure. However, to bring the costs down to manage their private clouds, they will start adopting Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Solutions. These solutions help provide public cloud like features including elasticity, high availability, etc. on a slightly lower scale.

Multiple-Cloud Vendor strategy

Many organizations consume Software-as-a-Service from public clouds. Examples include Office 365, SAP Business One, etc. They may take these services from different cloud vendors. As a result, the organizations will need tools and dashboards to manage multiple cloud vendors. This includes incident and asset management.

Cost and Health Monitoring Tool Adoption

Organizations which go for hybrid cloud management will need service broker services which ensure both public and private cloud services are up and running. The service broker will help manage and secure them.

Cloud monitoring as a service (CMaaS) will become popular with organizations to help monitoring health of private and public clouds. CMaaS is integrated with public clouds already including Office365, Salesforce, Google Apps, Microsoft Azure, AWS, etc.

Migration of applications to the cloud

There will be two kinds of migrations to the cloud. One will be the creation of micro services which will be hosted on containers in isolation mode and consumed by other apps. This may be a public micro-service or a private service to use internally.

The other will be hosting of full apps on the cloud as services. Again, these may be for public consumption like SAP Business One or organization specific. Of course, organizations will go through a learning curve and learn that it is better to migrate their applications to take advantage of cloud features instead of moving as is.


2017 will be the tipping year from where the movement to cloud will accelerate. This will lead to new challenges for organizations as they start learning and implementing a cloud based strategy. We will see a plethora of tools that will address the cloud strategy needs. Overall, it will be a major churn for organizations around the world, but a necessary one.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.