How mobile technology can transform your business?

  • 30 January 2017
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Mobile technology has proved that the world is a very small place. It helps in decreasing the workload by reducing costly paper trails and moving business related activities to digital platforms, which results increase in productivity.

At the start of the 21st century, a good way for businesses to grow and reach out to their customers online was via websites. A decade later, websites have become passé. Mobile technology is opening doors for more opportunities to conduct businesses anywhere at any point in time. Small and medium enterprises (SME) that need to stay lean can benefit from using mobile technology for their internal processes and interfacing with the customers. Below-mentioned are the mobile trends that can help transforming your business.

Mobile Apps for ERP

As a SME, your organization needs to remain lean and nimble. Usually, an ERP is associated with extremely large organizations with very large teams. However, tools like Business One from SAP have mobile apps that let you manage your business from your mobile. Add-ons like SMS alerts by Uneecops can further bring agility to your business by triggering alerts for key events in your process (like low stock, logistics movement, etc.).

Allows you to show than tell

Mobile has enabled you to go more nearer to your customer, which was not possible decades ago. Whether it is making instant payment or tap to see the product details, the mobile technology has made everything an easy-going process.

Not only this, big home ventures like Ikea, seeing how virtual reality is playing a major role in the future of its customers, have started coming up with ideas where its customers can use the mobile technology to plan the layout of their homes and accordingly shop for home furnishings.

Better way of communication

There are various messaging services that not only help you to stay in touch with your staffers but also offer valuable ways to your customers. For example, Slack, which ensures to bring your communication together in one place. It will not be wrong to add Facebook messenger, SnapChat, or WhatsApp that enable a new and more meaningful relationship between your staff as well as your customers.

Things are available on demand

The best example will be Uber, which on a click of a button is right at your doorstep whenever you need it. Online shopping is also helping customers to become more savvy and knowledgeable. The key to business success is getting online, which is increasing day-by-day.

Consumers are becoming accustomed to getting what they want and when they want. This online trend is gradually transforming the businesses and enabling them to adopt mobile technologies to generate more revenues.

Technology is going wireless

Latest trends show that technology is not limited to physical boundaries. Rather it is allowing businesses to function across geographies. You can conduct meetings virtually, enabling employees to stay connected whether they are working remotely or are in the field work.

It is important for businesses to be abreast with the latest technology and create favorable working environment for its employees and easily interact with its present and potential customers.


As a SME, if you pick up the right mobile technology for your business to stay connected on a more personal way with your customers and your employees, then sky is the limit. Future success of your business is dependent on this relationship and the ability to speak to them in a language they understand.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.