Importance of having Multi-lingual ERP system

  • 25 April 2014
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Language is a medium that connects a lot of people and make communication interesting, but at the same time it can be a big barrier that has the potential to disrupt communication channels. This can lead many disasters. In a world of global business environment, language cannot, by any cost, be overlooked or neglected. Businesses are springing up at every nook and corner of the world, and languages influence how they are run and have a great impact on its success or failure. It might look like a trivial issue to worry about but do not make the mistake of giving it the tag of ‘trivial’. There are many reasons why you should have a multi-lingual ERP system installed in your organization. SAP Business One Partners in India point out some of the following reasons on the same.

1) If you have a business that operates globally

English is assumed to be the most popular language for communication. While it holds true for most businesses, there are still many pockets in the world where English is a foreign language. Most of the business operates in local language and a company should be able to operate in that language in order not to lose out on business. If your business operates in different countries with different languages, you need some kind of multi-language ERP. Be flexible to adopt different local languages. Just because you are comfortable with English as a language to do business in, do not assume that everyone else feels the same. Don’t be hell-bent and step into the local language territory for your business.

2) If your business operates locally but your employees speak in multiple languages

You can argue that you do not own a global business plan but operate only locally, you can make do with just your local language or English. Keep in mind that one region itself can be abode to people who come from different regions. SAP B1 Partners say that in a country like ours, where over 100 languages are spoken, one can find at least 10 different language existing in just one region. Ensure that your ERP caters to those languages so that there are no errors made by the employees due to translation mistakes, which can lead to loss.

3) If your customers know different languages

Customers are the most important asset for any organization. This is a cardinal rule that no one can dare to disagree. But if you do not take their multiple language background into consideration, then in a way you are breaking that rule of working for your customer. You can operate your business locally but your customers can be global and that requires multi-language ERP. You should be able to understand the E-Invoices, logistics, specifications etc in the language they are comfortable with. If you fail to understand what your customer interaction due to a difference in language or vice-versa, be  assured that it would spell nothing but disaster for your business.

4) If your suppliers/vendors are from around the globe

If the interaction between you and your vendor goes down because of a language issue, then it can directly affect your production, and thus your business profits. You order for one thing and due to communication issues you get something else, and then your production might get delayed, thus hampering the production cycle.

5) If you have statutory compliance needs

Law is different in every country and if you operate globally you need to comply with the respective country’s statutory compliance needs. Good corporate citizenship includes meeting the reporting requirements anywhere you do business and multi-language ERP makes this job easier. Not adhering to law can potentially shut down your business and it is advisable to have software that may assist you with it.

SAP Business One Partners in India believe that an ERP system with the ability to understand many languages is a must. In a time when language plays such a crucial role in the business, it makes the role of multi-lingual ERP all the more necessary. Investing in anything that can help your business grow is a good idea. So, execute that idea!

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.