10 Ways Technology is Helping Small Businesses

  • 15 November 2016
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Technology has transformed almost every face of life – including the face of businesses. If you’re a small business owner, technology can help you in more ways than you think. Let’s take a look at 10 such technologies and how they make lives of small business owners easier:

  1. Mobile Devices: Smartphones and tablets are everywhere, and they can help you in managing your business too. You can use them to work on the go.
  2. Cloud: This is not just a buzzword anymore. Cloud technologies have really taken off in a big way, and they can help you save a lot of money from your monthly/annual hosting fee. They can also bring you the power of massive supercomputers at fraction of cost, if needed.
  3. Project Management Software: With these programs in your office computer, smartphone or tablet, you can easily monitor the progress of different projects you’re working on.
  4. Payment Processors: Digital payment processors like Square are not only for accepting credit cards anywhere. They also help you learn more about your customers (i.e. their spending habits) and set up online stores easily.
  5. Online Marketing: You can market your business in a more affordable and insightful manner by utilizing the power of online marketing. Not only it’ll cost you significantly less, it’ll also help you learn more about your customers with help of analytics.
  6. Invoicing Software: With professional invoicing software you can save a lot of time that would’ve been lost in preparing and sending invoices.
  7. Maps and GPS: These technologies can seriously help your business save money, time and other precious resources if your business involves delivering a lot of articles everyday.
  8. BYOD: A Bring Your Own Devices (or BYOD, as it’s known) policy can help you save money that would otherwise have been spent on purchasing new electronics for your employees.
  9. CRM: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs can help you build better and deeper relationships with your customers by planning your interactions with them. These programs have completely changed the game of managing customers as companies can now keep all the information about their customers in one place and retrieve it from that place whenever needed.
  10. Accounting Software: Professional accounting software can help you keep track of your finances more easily, conveniently and in an organized manner than those traditional account books.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.