With social media taking the world by storm, it is no surprise that a lot of businesses and organizations are adopting and putting it to good use to make their presence felt globally. But in the enthusiasm to follow the suit, a lot of companies end up making disastrous mistakes. There is a thin line that separates the way social media works for personal use and official use. One has to tread that line carefully to make good use of the platform; otherwise most of the time will be spent on covering up for the mistakes committed on such a visible platform. Recovering from them can be quiet a task at times.
These are some common mistakes that should be avoided while handling your organization on social media.
a) No long term commitment
Social media gives fruitful results, but this comes with some time. Making a fancy Facebook and Twitter page for your company isn’t enough. It takes time to attract loyal online followers/fan base and maintaining once that is achieved is absolutely important. Keeping the page active for a few months and then forgetting about it later on is a strict no-no. Either keep the page online or don’t make a page at all.
b) Over-promoting self and spamming
Everyone wants to know what is happening at your company but updating every minute detail every few minutes that borders on spamming isn’t is a very bad idea. The same applies for over-promoting yourself on these platforms. No one likes spammers and people who blow their own trumpets at all times. Don’t be one of them.
c) No interaction
Broadcasting and sharing information isn’t the primary idea of being on social media. Interaction is. In the process of sharing, never forget to interact with the consumers online. They are the ones who can make you or break you on social media platform. Not keeping in touch with them, not interacting and not addressing their grievances is nothing short of a blunder.
d) Trusting ‘anyone’ with social media
Posting statuses on Facebook page and tweeting constantly looks like a fun and easy job to do. And that’s one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Maintaining an active and interactive social media presence is a crucial task and in no way as simple as it looks. Handing this responsibility to the right people and training them for the same is really important. The cases of tweets/status gone horribly wrong due to someone’s ‘mistake’ have risen up in the recent times. You don’t want to be caught in a similar situation, thanks to an inexperienced person.
e) Being ‘boring’
Social media is supposed to be fun. Being boring on various platforms can be blasphemous. Not exaggerating. Don’t be afraid to put a fun and creative person in charge of your company’s social media platforms. Be as informative and fun at the same time. Afterall, who doesn’t like being a part of something fun!