How can businesses benefit from a mobile ERP solution?

  • 12 March 2019
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Flexibility and freedom have certainly made life easier for all of us in multiple ways. Being a manager, you have to juggle multiple responsibilities and be a jack of all trades. In the business world, staying relevant is the name of the game. And being alert and informed as what your customers want is extremely important. With more and more people using their mobile device for everything from scanning information through shopping and everything in between, having any time and anywhere access becomes all more important.

With the changing dynamic in the workplace, mobile ERP has changed the way we create email campaigns, scan information and accomplish tasks in our daily lives. In fact, mobile has officially surpassed desktop viewing as a main way of scanning and gaining work-related activities and information.

In all likelihood, you’re using your phone to chat with co-workers, reading some valuable materials and so much more. So, if you need some immediate information on business operations and access business data from anywhere then this blog serves as a great piece of information.

Let’s explore some of the unique benefits and concepts of mobile ERP.

  • Need to work beyond working hours

If you are a business owner, you may probably know that typical office hour can never bound you. Your business can demand your attention anytime and anywhere.

  • When you’re on a vacation

Is your mind preoccupied with the thoughts of business proceedings even while you are far away with your friends and family?. With the mobile ERP by your side, you can scan information anytime and anywhere with perfect ease.

  • You need updates from some remote location

Imagine you are on a business trip and want to immediately check about the current stock levels and available raw materials in the warehouse. At such times, mobile ERP will appear as a blessing in disguise as it will uncover all relevant details in a jiffy.

  • Need real-time updates for different departments

Do you want real-time updates on sales figures while attending a boardroom meeting? You can scan information then and there and tell the all vital details to the management.

  • Need to outperform your competitors

Speed, efficiency and timely information are the basic necessities of any business. Sometimes smart ERP like SAP Business One is all what is needed to gain actionable information on hand at the time of making critical business decisions and outperforming the competitors.

  • When you want to step out of the legacy processes

The age-old ways of operations and manually task won’t work anymore. So, in this regard switching over to an automated system makes sense. On top of it, you can overcome loopholes and bottlenecks with a robust and enterprise-ready ERP.

  • When you want to foster collaboration between departments

Just like any other businessperson, you too aspire to see your sales team, finance team, production team collaborating more closely. With a smart ERP by side, it becomes increasingly easy to have an increased collaboration.

Mobile cloud ERP solution is changing the face of every possible industry at a fast pace, giving your organization a much–required freedom of operation. A mobile cloud ERP effortlessly manages the key information about your business like bills of materials, customer records, production, planning, order management etc. On top of it, you can access all information from anywhere and at any point in time and keep a bird’s eye view on the entire business from start to finish.

Those who have taken the lead, are reaping its benefits. What about you?

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.