Popularity of Business Intelligence amongst CIOs

  • 05 June 2014
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Business Intelligence is growing fast on the popularity charts of a lot of organizations and their departments. It has been observed off late that BI is gaining in importance amongst CIOs. Business these days is becoming a mix of culture and technology. This is the one reason why the CIOs believe that Business Intelligence can empower all sorts of users, help in growing the company and aid in having a competitive advantage over the rival companies. This gives us a very superficial idea of the reason for its popularity. Scratch the surface and you would definitely find more reasons to deduce why it is so popular in the CIO world. Combine Business Intelligence with the power of analytics, and you can have the potential to be superior in your field of expertise.

  • The game-changer of the current times is the data

The importance of data is being realized every day. No matter how business was done earlier and whatever business lessons have been passed on by the seniors, no one can deny that the rules for modern age business are different.  And you got to play by the new rules if you want to succeed. Extracting data to gather knowledge has become the single most important step for any business these days. The corporate world understands that business intelligence and analytics can open a treasure trove of rich insights that would highly be beneficial to the companies. Business Intelligence tools like QlikView services are really popular for achieving this. Data is the game changer and one must milk it to the maximum.

  • World is becoming ‘smarter’

Smart devices have swept the world like nothing else in the recent past. Most of the people have access to smart devices and literally carry the internet in their pockets and have the ability to get any information at any time, right at their finger tips.  Information equates to any sort of data that they want to make use of and we have already established the importance of data. Such devices bridge the information gap between the consumers and businesses. The interaction between the two would also improve significantly. The reviews and feedback given by the consumers via smart devices help companies to improve their business. The instances of QlikView implementation are on a rise, just to avail these benefits.

  • The rise in cloud computing

Cloud computing has changed the way information is accessed. It can be said that cloud computing drives business intelligence and analytics. There are various benefits that cloud computing comes with. If the CIOs are over-burdened with IT infrastructure and low reserves of cash, then cloud computing offers them an opportunity to access cheap and flexible computing resources. This opens up a lot of avenues for the companies to explore. Business practices like QlikView implementation can accelerate IT processes with the cloud computing. Once the pressure is laid off the IT department, they can focus their energies on various business engagements, thus improving business. As time passes, web-based integration technology will allow the customers to access any data from the cloud. This will again improve the interaction between the companies and customers.

All the above mentioned points enable an IT department to make major changes in the way a business operates. Business intelligence tools relieve IT of complicated processes, sluggish work rate and diminish the margin of errors. This is something that each and every company, no matter what their field of specialization is, aspires to achieve. These are the very reasons why CIOs swear by business intelligence and analytics. For a long time to come, BI will remain their favorite and it is not going to fade away anytime soon.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.