Every year we celebrate Diwali will full enthusiasm and spirit. But do we ever realize that Ramayana, the book that forms the basis of this festival, has multiple teachings for every walk of our life. From leadership to business management, Ramayana offers some key lessons that we can imbibe to ensure success of our businesses:
- Keep you team motivated: You small business can grow, only if your people are as motivated and passionate about it, as you are. One person cannot do everything and hence it very important for businesses to acknowledge the roles of their teams. Specially, in small businesses, where one person juggles multiple hats, you must encourage and motivate your team members to realize their true potential and give their best, every time.
- Knowing your strengths and weaknesses: As the legend, has it, when Hanuman reached Lanka, he spent some time analyzing different aspects, and then planned his course of actions. He could have taken on the enemy, all by himself, but he didn’t. Similarly, the modern-day businesses face new challenges every day, but doing a detailed SWOT (Strengths, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis leaves you in a stronger position to tackle them.
- Choose the righty alliances: For any growing business, having the right partnerships is as important has having right team members. Just as Sughriv proved to be a winning alliance for Rama, similarly, picking on right partners, vendors and technology can help your business win over its challenges and grow at a quick pace.
- Communication is critical: Even if you have great ideas about making your business big, they are of no use if you do not communicate them with your team effectively. Also, you must encourage and enable your team to communicate freely. If this happens, then there is no space for confusions or misunderstandings that may hamper your growth. For small businesses, it is advisable to set up clear communication channels right from the beginning, so that when you expand, people talk to each other and no critical information gets missed.
Simple and basic as they seem, these lessons are critical to the success of any growing businesses. So make sure you follow them and see your business grow.