SAP Business One for Publication Industry: Key Features and Benefits

  • 08 January 2016
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The publication industry in India is booming like never before. According to a recent report by Nielsen, the market is currently the sixth largest in the world and is worth Rs 261 billion. Per the survey, the Indian publication market would touch Rs 739 billion by 2020.

The study estimates a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 19.3 per cent for the industry in the next five years. However, despite these glowing stats, the industry still struggles with legacy challenges. The industry has no direct investment from the government and operates in an extremely fragmented manner. The scenario is even worse in the unorganized SME segment which compounds for almost 60-65% of the industry. Unlike big publishers, the SME publishers in India lack dedicated workforce and resources to map their processes appropriately.

In this scenario, it becomes important for the SME publishers to use technology that enables them to optimize their processes and reduce unnecessary costs. SAP Business One for publishing helps these companies streamline their processes and reduce costs to a great extent.

Why should you use SAP Business One for your publishing business?

  • Supports both, print and electronic publishing.
  • Helps in maximizing the value of IP rights.
  • Infuses greater operational efficiency.
  • Regulates information flow between various departments
  • Streamlines the task of managing Royalty Agreement & Royalty Calculation.

Key Benefits of SAP Business One for publishing industry:

  • SAP Business One for publishing industry integrates business processes, such as finance, sales, purchase, inventory, etc., and keeps them reconciled with each other throughout the production process.
  • Through a dynamic royalty agreement management and calculation, the system keeps the money flowing in the author’s direction. Multilevel discount mechanisms also ensure that the benefits are extended to each level, as defined by the management.
  • Dynamic Sales/Scheme categorization in SAP Business One helps in improving the publication process across the organization.
  • Automated approval and alert mechanism ensures efficient management that transcends branch barriers and consolidates the workflow on an organizational level.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.