The Best Christmas Gifts 2019: Business Intelligence Software

  • 20 December 2019
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Best Christmas Gifts

It is the most wonderful time of the year when there will be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting and when everyone is said to be in good spirits. So, what could be the best time to bring further joy to your business this Christmas season. 

The time is right to step out from the legacy zone and automate your business processes with the next-gen software such as BI. In this highly competitive business world, BI empowers your business to stay ahead of the game. The BI software offers an out-of-the-box functionality and brings in a variety of important data for you to track your key business metrics. As soon as you are logged in, you see your cash flow, expenses, profits, outstanding, and customer data in one place. If you want to see your data in a different way, there is a possibility to drag and drop and re-organize them. It’s that SIMPLE. 

Eager to see more details behind the reports? Just by simply going inside the breakdowns and clicking the tiles will take you to your desired data. You can further slice by your report and have yearly reports quite easily. The filter pane also shows you additional perspectives such as you can examine loss trends, anticipate cash flow, evaluate the profitability for any given year, know the root cause behind it, actual budget and much more.   

Back on the dashboard, you can ask a series of questions such as “revenue by month” “top-performing products” “top 5 customers region-wise”. The results of the questions can be drilled down faster with smart and advanced BI.  

Business Intelligence Software- One of the best Christmas Gift Ideas 

Give your business one of the best Christmas gifts this season. BI software empowers your business to drill down faster and provide a unified view of all business operations happening in your organization. In just a few clicks, find answers to the most pressing questions. Dive deep and know as to what happened, what caused it, what will happen and what to do to mitigate that risk in the future. Precisely, the software helps you to 

  • Visualize your entire business on a single dashboard
  • Well informed to take the right business decisions
  • Always know what, when and how to mitigate risk possibilities in future
  • View insights, update records and get important updates on the go 
  • Help your teams discover relevant information instantly 
  • Access data on any device anytime and anywhere

Deployment time is lesser with Tableau cloud 

The deployment time is considerably less in the next-gen BI software such as Tableau. With no server maintenance hassle and all wins in against the on-premise model, this could be one of your best Christmas gift ideas for your business.

Christmas and New year 2020 is upon us. So, the best time is to gift something unique and special to your employees as well. The best Christmas gift you can give your business is by bringing Tableau software to your business. It will not only help you streamline your data and enhance business efficiency, it will also save your man hours and improve productivity. Rated by Gartner for six years in a row, Tableau fosters smart and intelligent decision making into the hands of decision-makers. The BI software also fosters better workplaces and helps everyone interact and communicate better.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.