3 Ps of ERP that Drive Your Business Growth

  • 30 March 2016
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Expanding businesses face newer challenges every day. As operations expand, it becomes more and more difficult to keep track of things. This results in delayed decisions, late deliveries, and eventually revenue loss.

Having an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in place ensures that your operational efficiency is in sync with your business growth. These three Ps of ERP are they key drivers of your business growth and stability:

Planning: Who wants to throw blind darts? Businesses today are smart and understand the importance of planning. An ERP gives you a holistic view of your complete business and a clear sense of what is working and what’s not. With this data, you can plan your business strategies in a more informed way.

Processes: Everything is well defined – how different departments talk to each other, what should they say, how, when – all of this is clearly set up in an ERP. Processes defined in the ERP ensure that all critical components of your business communicate effectively and there are no gaps. In case there is a process fault, the system sends auto alerts and keeps you updated about everything.

Progress: ERP defines all major transaction points of your operations, exactly how you need them. All you need to do is ensure that everyone follows the system to the T. Once the system is aligned with your business expansion goals, you can be assured of a steady, hassle free progress at all avenues.

If the business runs a robust ERP system, a LOT of its operational issues are taken care of. From accurate billings to real time inventory management, all critical components are addressed. This lays a string foundation for business excellence and growth, not just internally, but externally too.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.