5 Technologies That Have Taken Manufacturing by Storm!

  • 12 May 2016
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These tech innovations are rapidly transforming the manufacturing industry landscape…

Here are five manufacturing technology trends which are ready to disrupt and change the way manufacturing companies execute current processes.

  • Cloud Computing

It’s time for manufacturing to join the cloud band wagon. Though initially connectivity and security concerns kept manufacturing industry away from cloud, today a large number of manufacturing firms are adapting cloud to simplify data sharing across different plants.

By implementing cloud based solutions, manufacturers are able to reduce costs, improve quality and increase the speed of production. In coming years, don’t be surprised if you see all manufacturing processes sitting in cloud, comfortably!

  • Big Data and Business Intelligence

Efficiency and productivity are the crux of manufacturing industry. Business intelligence tools that collect, analyze and interpret data real time can be of great help to the manufacturers. Custom dashboards that track each and every line and help predict probable snags would help reduce the downtime and associated costs.

  • ERP: Process Automation

By automating processes with an ERP system, manufacturers can solve a number of day to day challenges and streamline operations.  An ERP system integrates all key business functions like materials and inventory, production, operations and sales, accounting and finance, etc. so that information can be exchanged real time. When accurate information is available to all departments, there is less or no chance of delayed production. This also enables quicker decision making and reduces operational costs.

  • The Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is all about smart devices that can communicate to each other without human intervention. Manufacturing industry can use IoT to send and receive critical notifications and take follow up actions. This would mean that in case of a damaged process, the device would be able to send auto alert to another user or device, thus helping in reducing downtime and wastage.

  • 3D Printing

Application of 3D printing to different manufacturing processes has become a wild trend. In a short duration this technology has evolved impressively and is being used to produce different components using metal, plastics and other mixed materials. Forcing engineers to think differently, it has greatly impacted product development processes in manufacturing.

Newer technologies bring new trends with them. Manufacturing industry is ready for a massive transformation with these technologies. Which other technologies do you think, will impact manufacturing industry as much?

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.