How to Manage Risk Better with Business Intelligence?

  • 20 March 2023
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How to manage Risk

There is absolutely no doubt in the fact that every organization is exposed to a certain level of risk once their business starts to grow, which is why you’ll find risk management as a critical component in every industry. However, risk management processes vary from one organization to another, depending on the kind of work they do and the audiences they target. What stays common among all risk management operations is the use of business intelligence tools to smarten the process.

Peter Ducker once said, “You can’t manage, what you can’t measure”.

Business Intelligence risk management tools fuelled with real-time analytics can equip executives with the data they need in order to ensure informed decision-making. Such tools enable organizations to streamline processes, automate operations, and reduce costs. With such enhanced functioning, the company’s overall productivity is increased as well as risks are mitigated.

The global Risk Analytics market size is projected to reach USD 54.95 billion in 2027


Considering how business intelligence risk management & analytics tools play a crucial role in the process, it is safe to say how impactful business intelligence is for risk management. Business intelligence enhances the risk management processes in several vital ways. Business intelligence addresses various problematic aspects of risk management to identify key data sources, provide valuable data analytics, and create visualizations that communicate the detected risks clearly. The ultimate benefit it offers is enabling firms to establish data-driven risk management processes as the failure to do so can lead to several complications such as:

  • Low employee morale
  • Financial losses
  • Customer atrophy
  • Regulatory actions, etc.

Read More: How Data Visualization in BI Helps Enterprises in Increasing Business Performance

Let’s take a look at how companies can manage risk with better business intelligence

1. Identifying Potential Risk for Prioritize Mitigating Them

Risk management and business intelligence ultimately becomes a very subjective endeavor in the absence of relevant data. Business leaders may talk about a project or product and explain the lessons they’ve learned, what they thought worked and didn’t, and the challenges they faced. While these insightful discussions might result in revealing significant insights, they are also constrained when no solid foundational data is provided. Businesses can improve their risk identification procedures by using business intelligence risk management technologies and data analytics. The Bank of India, an enterprise that is expanding quickly, sought to invest its cash in new advancements like customer-facing services and products. Instead, they discovered that they needed to acquire additional employees who could manually detect and manage operational risk.

The bank employed a SAS business intelligence solution which improved their risk identification capacity, reduced their dependency on unnecessary staffing, and decreased the risks that manual risk management entails.

Great Companies Faced Great Risks 

  • A leading Coffee Company of Indonesia, faced high risks related to poor hiring decisions and overspending, especially as the company grew its online retail division. Scattered data sources made it impossible for company leaders to make decisions that were both quick and effective at mitigating those risks. Business Intelligence came as a rescue. The Business Intelligence solution that is fueled by real-time analytics and equips executives with the information they need to make data-driven decisions. This solution has streamlined processes, reduced costs, and automated the matching of applicants to open positions. In other words, the solution has not only improved the company culture, but has mitigated multiple, significant risks.
  • Again an Indonesia based Automotive Finance conglomerate, faces risks when it comes to extending credit to customers. Each customer carries a different level of risk and the company’s livelihood depends upon making wise decisions about loan applications. Determining a customer’s risk level used to take longer than the company wanted. In the case of a customer defaulting on their payments, the company lacked the infrastructure for an effective corrective action plan that could be tracked and assessed for risk itself. Tableau made this easy and simplified by assessing credit risk in customers and potential customers. Assessments that used to take seven days are now instantly available. The 177 visualizations made possible by Tableau help company’s leaders and employees make quick, effective decisions when conducting a risk assessment.
  • US Headquartered Global Leader in Integrated Systems Manufacturing is a large organization with close to 8000+ employees at more than 60 facilities across 20 countries. They needed to elevate their reporting system. The traditional way of using spreadsheet-based tool was very time-consuming and rife with potential errors. SAP came as better solution. The business intelligence tools they implemented streamlined their risk management processes and automated their risk score reporting. The solution offered customizable scorecards and analytical reporting tools, as well as transparent reporting in areas like quality, hazards, and behavioral and environmental risk factors. Altogether, such BI solution streamlined global risk management process, offered higher employee morale, and maximized safety in the workplace.

2. Analyzing Data and Trends and Evaluating Different Strategies to Determine Best Plan of Action

When it comes to business intelligence risk management strategy development, business intelligence can be an invaluable tool for identifying potential risks, monitoring those risks over time, and adjusting to mitigate those risks.

Once risk identification is done by analyzing historical data, industry trends, and market conditions, the likelihood and impact of each risk is assessed. Business analytics and risk management tools can help to create risk models and simulations that can predict the potential impact of each risk. Based on the assessment of the risks, strategies to mitigate or manage them can be developed. Risk management analytics software can help to evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies and determine the best course of action.

Regular monitoring of the risks and updating of the risk management plan is done accordingly as necessary. Business Intelligence tools can help to track changes in the risk environment and provide real-time data that can be used to adjust the risk management plan.

Additionally, risk management and business intelligence tools can help to create reports and visualizations that can effectively communicate the risk management strategy and its effectiveness. It’s important to communicate the risk management strategies with stakeholders, including employees, investors, and customers. Business Intelligence can be a powerful tool for developing, implementing, and communicating a risk management strategy.

3. Structured and Standardized Data for Better Results

Managing risk with better business intelligence also requires the implementation of some useful practices from your end. One of the biggest errors that you can make when thinking about business intelligence tools is by feeding them with any data will help you receive the required insights. However, this won’t lead to anything but a complete chaos. Determining a plan is crucial because failing to do so won’t yield any results at all.

Understanding that the data you use for your risk management and business intelligence tools needs to have some sort of structure is necessary. Before getting it into the software, you must clean it. As every company generates massive amounts of data in today’s digital age, some form of compass is needed to navigate through it. Every piece of data must meet a specific set of established standards, which will make it ready for modeling, analysis, and forecasting. In other words, such practice will sufficiently clean it to enable any value to be produced. Some other practices that can help you clean data optimally are:

  • Defining the precise objectives to be achieved with data analysis.
  • Identifying and locating the best data for those objectives.
  • Keeping in mind the audience that will use the analyzed data
  • Determining the best data format as necessary.

4. Assessing Risk to Know Possible Business Threats

The capacity to swiftly, precisely, and routinely visualize data is one of business intelligence’s biggest strengths in risk management. This is very helpful while determining risk, as businesses encounter a wide range of hazards almost every day. Some risks are more likely to materialize than others, and some hazards have the potential to do more harm. Business analytics and risk management experts provide solutions that provide data analysis and visualization that can assist key stakeholders in making data-driven decisions about the risks they should prioritize to mitigate.

5. Adapt to Change for Improvising Risk Management

Risk management and Business Intelligence (BI) can help organizations adapt to change to improve risk management in several ways:

  • Data-driven decision-making. Business Intelligence provides organizations with access to real-time data, enabling them to make informed decisions quickly. This helps organizations to adapt to changes in the market, industry trends, and other external factors that can impact risk management. 
  • Early warning systems. Business Intelligence can be used to set up early warning systems that alert organizations to potential risks. By monitoring data and identifying patterns, organizations can quickly respond to potential risks and take actions to mitigate them. 
  • Predictive analytics. Business intelligence can use predictive analytics to forecast potential risks based on historical data and other factors. This can help organizations to proactively plan for potential risks and take preventative measures to reduce their impact.
  • Improved collaboration. Business Intelligence can facilitate collaboration among different departments within an organization, improving communication and coordination when it comes to risk management. This can help organizations to quickly adapt to changes and implement effective risk management processes.
  • Real-time monitoring. Business intelligence tools can provide real-time monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics, allowing organizations to quickly identify potential risks and take actions to mitigate them.

Business Intelligence experts can help organizations improve risk management by adapting to changes more effectively. This can lead to better decision-making, reduced risk exposure, and a more secure business environment.

Navigating the Future: Business Intelligence as Your Risk Management Navigator

In the dynamic seas of business, effective risk management requires a sophisticated compass—Business Intelligence (BI). As organizations sail through the uncertainties of the market, BI emerges not merely as a tool but as a strategic navigator, guiding decision-makers through the intricate waters of potential risks.

BI, coupled with predictive analytics, acts as a sentinel, scanning the horizon for potential threats before they loom large. It transforms risk management from a reactive endeavor to a proactive strategy, allowing businesses to anticipate challenges, adapt swiftly, and optimize their risk mitigation efforts.

Where traditional risk management tools may struggle to keep pace with the swift currents of change, BI excels. Its real-time data insights empower organizations to make informed decisions on the fly, adapting to shifts in the market, industry trends, and external factors impacting risk. Early warning systems, facilitated by BI, serve as a strategic advantage, alerting businesses to potential risks and providing the agility needed to respond promptly.

As businesses evolve, so do the risks they face. BI not only identifies potential threats but also helps in creating robust risk models and simulations. These simulations predict the impact of each risk, allowing for the development of effective strategies to mitigate them. The result is a dynamic risk management plan that adapts to the ever-changing business landscape.

6. Avoid, Optimize or Transfer Risk to Facilitate Risk Mitigation

Risk management analytics software can assist in reducing or eliminating risk in addition to identifying and assessing it. Data loss is one of the biggest threats that many businesses face today. Employees manually handle data and may unintentionally alter it in negative ways, which typically results in data loss. To minimize the amount of human error that could impact a company’s data, business intelligence can be used as both a storage system and a set of tools that allows user-friendly data manipulation and visualization. Ultimately, it facilitates risk mitigation.

7. Communicate Real-time Risk Monitoring and Reporting for Quantified Decisions

Traditionally, companies have been dependent on manually updated spreadsheets and the occasional slide show to present their findings when it comes to risk monitoring and reporting. However, these instruments have inherent limitations as they necessitate continuous manual modifications, taking up staff time and raising the likelihood of report inaccuracies.

For businesses, the process of risk monitoring and reporting can be completely changed by business intelligence and data visualization tools. In addition to assisting organizations in conducting risk analysis, business intelligence gives risk management leaders the ability to deliver their conclusions in a manner that is agreeable to important stakeholders in other departments as well. Assurance for risk can be reported on an aggregate or granular level, depending on the needs of the audience. Risk can be monitored continuously and automatically by integrating Results metric data, Enabling Management and The Board to make faster, risk-quantified decisions. As a result, better collaboration occurs which ultimately facilitates enhanced risk management. 

Get Connected for Optimizing Your Risks Management Process and Do Wise Investment

Today’s digital age requires all businesses to deal with risk and learn how to manage it. But, this does not imply that companies must accept whatever hardships arise. Business analytics and risk management experts can help firms to have a better understanding of their current situation and how to move forward to reduce risks. With data-driven decision making and by supplying insightful information these experts enable organizations to create more accurate predictions and estimates. Through the study of historical and current data, business intelligence experts help enterprises in experiencing true business benefits.

With everything that we have covered so far, it is clear that businesses can run into various types of risks. However, with the right approach and partnering with a trustworthy Risk management analytics software, there are high chances of predicting potential problems and security risks therefore, applying a proactive approach. Understanding business intelligence improves risk management, so you should utilize all the data. Also, the variegated applications of business intelligence in mitigating risk can help you establish a safer work environment for business success in today’s digital landscape.

The safety and success of companies lie in the ability to collect and accurately analyze data and use it to improve various business processes and procedures. With that in mind, if you invest in business intelligence experts, you invest in your company’s future.

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    Uneecops provides a comprehensive bouquet of business automation products and services to help companies optimize organizational productivity and maximize profits. We are a CMMI Level 5 company with various recognitions from our partners and customers affirming our belief in technology led business transformation using ERP, Analytics, CRM and Cloud.