Top Features of Tableau Every Business User Should Know

  • 19 March 2020
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Features of Tableau

In today’s world gaining actionable insights at the moment you need has become the digital imperative. Being a CEO, CIO, CXO or decision-maker, you already know the urgency of making smart decisions. So, it is natural to think about investing in such a powerful tool that can give you richer insights on the fly. Tableau empowers you to access information anytime and anywhere. It helps to transform data into easy and consumable information and offers great capabilities to drill down to data at the granular level. With interesting features like in-memory data,  advanced visualizations, time series, and forecasting, Tableau is becoming a must-have BI tool for business users.

In this blog, we will be uncovering the top Tableau features that every business user intends to know. 

In-built Dashboards 

Tableau Dashboards render a holistic view of your data by the means of visualizations, visual objects, text, etc. Dashboards are informative and you can gain real-time visibility and see your data in the form of stories, impressive layouts, and formats. Within a time, get informed and dive deeper into useful and hidden metrics.  Inbuilt dashboards allow even nontechnical users to discover new insights in minutes and get meaningful answers.

In-built Dashboards

Drag and Drop Functionality 

You set out to identify trends for improvements for your sales department, but where to start? With Tableau drag and drop features, you can easily discover something you wanted to know from the beginning. Dive deeper into the overall sales data in any given year. For instance, between 2017 and 2019 to see the pitfalls, profitable zones, and lost opportunities.    

Drag and Drop Functionality

CTRL-F for quick search 

When the data becomes highly intensive and you need to take a deep dive into data, you may find yourself in the complex muddle of time. However, Tableau CTRL- F feature is set to relieve you from finding useful metrics from heaps of data. You can simply click CTRL-F and hit the search box and get the desired results in a jiffy. Entering the first letter or two will quickly drill down the results for you.

CTRL-F for quick search

Modify calculation while analyzing trends

Ever wish to have a tool that can modify calculations and help you watch the latest trends and visualization in real-time? The calculation editor in-built in Tableau saves your time and craft calculation faster than ever. You can even make changes to your calculations and see the effects of your visualizations without impacting the bottom line.

Modify calculation while analyzing trends

App Lock Using Biometrics

App Lock Using Biometrics

Don’t stake your data and get the high-level security by using biometrics or device passcode lock. Give an additional layer of security and use biometrics or device passcode and unlock the application.  

Many times, business users end up thinking what works for them this year and what were the setback they faced in the previous year which results in declined sales and profitability. Tableau as a tool assists decision-makers to gain vital pieces of information. With its self-service capability, everyone can be a data analyst and cut the time-consuming process of finding explanations with a bird’s eye view.Tableau is certainly simplifying the lives of business professionals in a better way. So, if you wish to know more about Tableau features and its capabilities keep your eyes glued to our upcoming blog on Tableau 2020.1 New Features.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.