Vision and Direction: Get Both in Tableau Dashboard

  • 13 July 2022
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Direction & Vision in Tableau

Got data? You can tell your data story via the Tableau dashboard. It’s easy to use and simple to work with!

Great visualizations will not only help you understand more about your data, but they’ll also offer faster, more meaningful answers, and even inspire you to make better decisions.

Now, let’s come to business dashboards.

A great business dashboard showcases insights at a glance. It combines ease of use and high performance to get data-driven answers to all critical questions.

Infuse agility and intelligence
in your business with

Gartner Rated Tableau

Tableau dashboards give vision and direction to your business data – so that you can create interactive, real-time visualizations within minutes. Let us explore this in detail.

A Vision to Visualize Your Data

A leading data analytics solution, Tableau makes gaining insight simple as it should be. Whether you’re an IT professional looking for organization-wide analytics, a frontline worker looking to know more about the customer, or a business leader who needs a 360* view of company-wide efforts, Tableau can support all needs.

The software allows users to collect, shape, clean, and combine information into desired forms so that data charts, reports and dashboards can be created. Once you have installed Tableau in the system, load your data set.

After loading, you can perform data cleansing, data segmentation, data processing, and feature extraction.

Then you can arrange the datasets into bar graphs, line charts or area charts to visualize data.

Using the calculated fields option in Tableau, you can compare and easily enhance your data.

To create a proper vision in Tableau, you must keep a few things in mind. Remember:

  • Your dashboard should be clean – without clumsy visualizations
  • Choose size, formats and colours wisely for sensible visualization
  • Have simple labelling and clear typography

In the business intelligence niche, Tableau is an established industry leader. It comes with a powerful vision and mission of:

Visual analysis in a few clicks: You can analyze data easily and logically as it is converted into visualizations within a few minutes.

Interactive dashboard: Tableau provides you with an interesting dashboard that gives users an in-depth knowledge of the data.

Deals with huge data: Using Tableau you can analyze big data seamlessly.

Publishing and sharing: The dashboard can be published live on the platform from which the user is accessing it.

Directions to Build Interactive Tableau Dashboard

In just a few clicks, you can easily navigate through the Tableau dashboard. No IT expertise or prior know-how of the software is required. Tableau is known for its user-friendly interface and smooth functionality. It gives users the directions to easily navigate through the software. It has a drag-and-drop feature that makes it very easy to use and reduces unwanted complications.

More like a step-by-step support, the software automatically guides you to combine data sources, add filters, and dig into specific information. Sharing a tableau dashboards also needs no programming, whether it’s on Tableau Cloud, Tableau Server or any portal or web page.

While you get all directions on the Tableau dashboard, it is important to remember that:

1. An effective data strategy drives better performance

Based on the analysis, minimize the number of fields. Hide all unused fields and remove unused columns.

Optimize extracts for faster future queries.

2. Reduce the data points in your view

Excessive marks or data points can lower the visual analytics value. They can cause information overload and make it tougher to see and understand your data.

To avoid this, you need to create multiple views and connect them to the overview.

3. Optimize your calculations

Perform calculations in the database using aggregate calculations.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Organizations with strong Tableau capabilities witness benefits such as increased collaboration, data exploration and innovation, and measurable value. Insightful data culture is not created overnight; businesses that take incremental steps to understand the vision of Tableau and use its direction to navigate data challenges tend to thrive in the long run.

Tableau Your Business with Uneecops Business Solutions

Uneecops Business Solutions (UBS) is a CMMi level 5 company offering end-to-end business intelligence solutions to some of the top brands in India. We are passionate about data because we know what it can do for your enterprise. We help remove blind spots for your organization and save money by minimizing inefficiencies. Being a Tableau gold partner, we can help you get the most out of the analytics software. With over 100+ successful BI implementations across 18 industry verticals, UBS brings proven and time-tested methodologies for stress-free Tableau implementation. Let our experts show you a proof of concept (POC). Get in touch with us for more details!

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    Roli Agarwal

    About the author

    As a seasoned technology writer with a decade-long commitment to the industry, Roli stands out as a prominent authority in crafting compelling narratives around SAP innovations. Specializing in the dynamic realms of 360* Tableau, SAP technology, and ERP solutions, Roli is renowned for her capacity to spearhead successful marketing and communication strategies. Having collaborated extensively with software experts, she possesses an intricate understanding of the diverse industries and verticals that SAP serves. Rooted in the art of impactful storytelling, Roli connects with audiences, consistently bringing technology USP suitable to their needs.