How Cloud-based ERP can help Overcome the Business Credit Crunch due to COVID-19

  • 31 August 2020
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Business Credit Crunch due to COVID-19

We have experienced a number of infections due to our close proximity with other people, animals and natural conditions in the past as well. However, this is the first time we are experiencing a severe crisis in the global economy due to a Pandemic. The impact of Coronavirus infection has been devastating as many businesses today are at stake and many are at the verge of shutting down. And unfortunately, the pandemic is here to stay, plus this isn’t the last one too. 

So, what’s the potential solution to overcome the current global economic crunch and to get-future-ready for any other unfavorable situation?

The answer is the evolution in our working styles and processes. Where some companies were finding it difficult to operate their functions during the lockdown, visionary businesses with the new-age technology in place held steady. It was possible only because of the transition in the business processes ‘digitally’ that helped them grow stronger. The robust cloud-based ERP systems ensured the seamless workflow and uninterrupted data updates with automated processes and minimum manual effort in the trying times.

Next-gen ERP systems are certainly the potential solution during and post pandemic too. Let’s understand in detail what all cloud-ERP are capable of doing.

Encourages ‘Work from Home’ Culture

According to a recent survey on 5000 working people claimed that only 1/3rd of them worked from home, once a week before the lockdown. The reasons accounting for the same are many including the lack of accessibility to data sources, delayed updates, poor VPN connection, etc. that ultimately led to lack in productivity.

Whereas, with cloud-based ERP systems, that empowers employees to access business information anytime, anywhere and on any device adds more value to their overall performance and business function as whole. The same survey claimed that 2/3rd of people found themselves more productive than before, while the rest felt less stressed.

No wonder this pandemic has offered remote working as the modern workspace opportunity and cloud-based ERP systems are making it possible successfully.

Boosts Inter-team Communication 

Cloud-ERP systems like SAP Business One can integrate with existing software or other tools in different departments establishing concrete communication while ensuring accurate information exchange. That is no matter if employees are working from home or in office, they are always connected with a single source of truth. 

Also since, the information travels in an encrypted form, there’s absolutely no risk of data breaching or loss of information. The access to real-time data helps the teams make mission-critical decisions with better efficiency.

Renders Real-time Employee/ Business Data 

The Bird’s eye view feature of cloud-based ERP systems helps the leader to keep a tab of the entire business including manufacturing unit, batch control, quality checks, sales purchase, finance and even the performance of employees working from home.

The system can schedule working hours and shifts for the shop floor workers, alert about the orders for dispatch, accelerate supply chain management, make pre-approved transactions, and more. 

The complete insights related to all departments and employees working from home can be attained on the fly in just a few clicks.

Absolutely No Hardware Required

Isn’t this a blessing? Cloud-based ERP uses no hardware but a simple internet connection and browser to operate. That is, no matter if it’s the lockdown or some natural calamity, cloud-based ERP never stops working. 

Also, cloud-based systems eliminate the unnecessary additional cost of hardware maintenance and IT setup. All the updates in the software can be incorporated without affecting the regular work.


Undoubtedly, the panic created by Pandemic is uncontrollable, but it has also opened new ways of operating businesses and organizations. Work from home which was quite rare earlier is the ‘new normal’ today, meetings are held online, shops are shifting towards ecommerce, and more. It’s all about how soon you grab the opportunity and overcome the effect of Coronavirus. 

Don’t miss this opportunity and stand yourself a chance to grow again. Talk to our cloud-based SAP Business One ERP experts today and conquer the battle against the ongoing financial crisis.

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    Nidhi Batra

    About the author

    Nidhi Batra is a marketing and brand communication professional with 10 years of experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. She strategizes, writes, reviews a variety of content for demand generation and sales support activities. Having a Master’s in English from Delhi University, she knows how to navigate her readers on insightful journeys with her SAP published blogs and thought leadership content.